Colonial Life

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After world war 2 homecoming was begining the next day. homecoming represents the U.S.A and Wight Oak, and every homecoming people come home and stay their. I want to say that  homecoming is when i prey for the people that fought for our contery and the world. every year i’m gonna do it no matter WHAT. homecoming is the day we pray homecoming is to prey FOR OUR WORLD!!

Jamestown or plymouth

Jamestown and Plymouth were the first two permanent English settlements in North America.They were the start of Virginia and Massachusetts, the first two of the original thirteen colonies.The first Jamestown settlers were all male. Pilgrims were male and female. Neither of these group knew how to farm or hunt. They both learned from the Native Americans.



Live In 5th Grade

I really like 5th grade because the H.W is so easy Mrs.Boo only gives us 6 questions. And i like that Mr.Micbride trusts us with heating water. But the most thing i like about school is we all get to learn about, history ,and cool stuff with Mr.Micbride, and play outside. Life in 5th grad is AUSOME!

9/11 reflections

3 planes crashed into 2 state centers in New York city. when the 3rd plane hit one of the towers came down then, the other tower came down. Every body in the plane and the building died. But there was a 4th plane and the people figured out that they where being high jacked ,and the people took over the plane and crashed in a felled those people died with honer.

My Invention

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Its like an air bag but you wear it on your belly or your back because if you fall the air bag will pop out. It is made out of air, straps, one button, eight straps and bags.  I need to know how to sew. I need a STRONG rubber bag.